Monday, September 22, 2014

Very very busy

Wow. We have been busy. First day of school, Parker and Emma Jane's 6th birthday, starting soccer, loosing teeth, starting ballet, climbing into sandboxes, etc. School is going well. They love kindergarten and have made many friends. We are going to start Daisys here in a few weeks too! Hannah Kate has adjusted to missing Parker and Emma Jane in the mornings. She talks all the time and loves Josiah so much. She is loving ballet and has also informed me she would like to take gymnastics too... we will see about that.  She has also made a new friend her own age which I am so thankful for! Josiah is pure boy- so different than the other three. He is a man a few words...very few words but has no trouble getting his point across. He loves to throw anything and everything and is currently obsessed with books. We have all been very busy, but happy to be busy with life other than with crisis after crisis & dealing with horrible people on a daily basis :) We are praying it stays this way for a long time. 

Here are photos from the last month. 

Mrs. Belsha their teacher

Meeting Elsa and Anna at ballet sign up


First Soccer Practice

What Hannah Kate did during soccer practice 

First lost tooth

His favorite toy which also doubles as a weapon at time

Celebrating their birthday at school

Hannah Kate got to come!

Litte House on the Prairie Party. My amazing Mom made bonnets for all the little girls

Pin the wheel on the wagon

Oleson's (or Nelson's depending on TV show versus book) Mercantile

Candy Shop in the Mercantile

Emma Jane aka "Mary"

Hannah Kate aka "Carrie"

Parker aka "Laura"

Log Cabin Cake

Josiah was Mr. Edwards

Making butter while Jason read Little House


Cake round two- Can you tell Parker is a little tired? 

First Day of Ballet

She wanted to dress like a rainbow

At the first soccer game. It was 46 degrees! 

We won!

His new party trick. Saying "cheese"/ smiling on demand.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

VBS/ Recital Time/ Cleveland

The middle of June brought two busy weeks to the Broge house. Our great friends The Machados came down to visit for a week. All the kids went to VBS (except Josiah) and Marcos built us a swing set.  The end of VBS was the Parker and Emma Jane's first big recital so Hannah and Marcos got to watch that as well. They were brides and danced to "Going to the chapel". It was great. While decently stressful getting the hair and makeup correct, the actual recital went smoothly and they had fun! The next day we left for Cleveland to visit Jason's family for a week. The kids were troopers in the car and we had a great week. We went to Lake Erie, the pool, parks, and Jason and I went to his 20th high school reunion.

We are keeping our fingers crossed these two get married one day

Went to VBS in curlers

Samuel and his ballerinas

Flowers from Daddy

Lake Erie!

Playing with Grandpa
Making cupcakes with Grandma