Just in case any of you out there didn't get it, Mary Jane is pregnant....with twins. (Hence there are two buns in the oven). Not a lot to say right now. This is just our first post for people to find when the check out the sight. We will be updating regularly throughout the summer as we prepare for the little stinkers. So check back often.
For those of you with a scorecard at home, they are due December 5th, but no one in their right mind expects them to stay in that long. We're praying they hang out in the womb until mid November.
In the mean time we have plenty of things to keep us busy. Jason gets installed as a vicar at Salem Lutheran Church on June 29th. Mary Jane continues her insane schedule of six days a week of work (three days at the hospital and three days at the clinic) until mid-July, when she will officially be done with her Masters. She graduates August 2nd. Mary Jane's brother is getting married September 26th. And then we've been told there is a little preparation needed to get ready for the twins. So there will be plenty to "blog" about. Come back soon to see an ultrasound picture.
(This message has been brought to you by the Machados (whose idea we stole) the Kings (whose hard work made the picture possible) and the letter Q (because this is the only time we've used this letter in the post)