Monday, May 27, 2013

Josiah's Baptism

Josiah was baptized last Sunday. The timing couldn't have been more perfect because his godparents, the Machados, were going to be in town anyway and having them there at the actual baptism was a huge bonus. We have been very blessed to have the same pastor baptize all four of our children. He has been there for us in our happiest moments and in our scariest ones. As you can see the Machados have boys that are roughly the same age as the girls (except Samuel who is the oldest). Our dream is that somehow we can arrange a marriage between a Machado boy and a Broge girl! 
Anyway our dear small group family arranged a party for all of us after. It was wonderful to be surrounded by our St. Louis family for this occasion. 

Hannah Kate didn't smile for a single picture that day...

Our small group. 

The Hagan Family whom we love with all our hearts.

Happy Baptism Josiah!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Broge Number 4 or hey what's the rush?

Josiah Jason Broge born May 5th 2013 at 5:06am. You would think the little stinker could have come one minute earlier so he could have been born at 5:05 on 5/5, but no.  I actually wondered for a minute if we could just change it on the birth certificate before realizing that a) that's ludicrous and b) I was more tired than I realized.

Let me splain...

Saturday night Mary Jane went to bed feeling lousy.  She was extra nauseous and had been feeling like her stomach was going to fall off for the better part of the week.  I stayed up a little longer watching Dr Who because...well, it's Dr. Who.  About 1-1:30 Mary Jane woke me up to let me know she had been having contractions for about an hour-hour and a half, and that they were regular and becoming more regular now a little more often the every ten minutes.  We weren't really sure what to make of this because:
  • the same thing happened Thursday and ended just as abruptly as it began
  • We were already scheduled for a c-section on Monday morning 
  • And let's face it, with our track record we really didn't know what labor was like
Over the next hour and a half they continued to grow in strength and number until they were happening every four min, and it became apparent that this baby was a coming one way or another.

Preferring one way over another, we sped off to the hospital even as Mary Jane was coming to a rather profound realization. Labor hurts.  Or rather, the contractions which take place during labor hurt...a lot.  Put another way, they call it labor pains for a reason.  In skipping over the the labor part of having a baby the past two pregnancies Mary Jane had not only missed out on this wonderful unique experience of childbirth, but she had managed to skip right over this wonderful unique pain and it became quite clear to her that the pain was painful and she would rather not have it.

We arrived at the hospital around 3:30 and after a few of the usual tests we received the shocking news that Mary Jane was in labor.   By 4:30 her doctor had arrived from home and she was in the OR prepping for her c-section.  By 5:06 Josiah was a post-womb baby weighing 8lb 4oz (21 inches long) and I was contemplating the ridiculous idea of forging his birth certificate in order to achieve some random sense of symmetry and realizing that perhaps I was wee bit tired.  Of course calling myself tired while sitting next to the woman being sewn back together after having the joys of labor and not having slept for twenty four hours is like saying that a paper cut hurst while standing next to someone who has just been hit by a car.  From a certain perspective its true, but from another your quite rightly a chochmonkey.
(what's a chochmonkey?  A chochmonkey is someone who complains of being tired when their wife carried their child for nine months, went through labor and was sliced open to after being up for 24 hours straight.  that is a chochmonkey)

All kidding aside we are thrilled.  Josiah is healthy and doing well.  We expect to be here until Wednesday and are thankful for all the love shown our way and for the incredible blessing the Lord has bestowed upon us.

That said here is a gluttony of pictures from Josiah's first 24 hours of life.  Enjoy.