Thursday, December 31, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

It was a busy November in the Broge household. The girls are growing and changing everyday. We are having so much fun together. Emma Jane took her first steps (yay!!!!!) and got four new teeth (boo!). Parker, in an attempt to be different, has decided walking is for normal people and instead crawls at lightening speed and walks on her hands and tiptoes. It is quite a site to see... I don't think she is too far off from walking like the rest of us boring folk. Emma Jane and Parker are playing with each other more and more. They hug each other when we ask them too and it is just so wonderful. Parker LOVES Emma Jane... and sometimes loves her a little too much and then there are tears because Parker just knocked her down again. Emma Jane has become an explorer- she loves to get stuck in places you shouldn't go and isn't afraid of anything. Parker is much more of a scaredy cat. Parker has said her first word and it was all too appropriate- Daddy. Parker loves Jason. They get so excited when he comes home from school I bet they wet their pants.
Anyway, Jason had TWO WHOLE WEEKS off in November and it was wonderful. We spent some time at home as a family and then headed off to Florida with my family for Thanksgiving. We had a great time. The girls ate their fair share of sand and seaweed and enjoyed the pool. Jason cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner for my whole family and it was wonderful!!!! Here are some pictures our of fun...

Playing with Tiffany, Hayden, and Preston
Parker on sand for the first time... trying to figure the shovel out.
Emma Jane eating sand and the shovel.
Touching the ocean for the first time- it was FREEZING.
Again... freezing cold water.
Having a seaweed snack.

On the beach with great grandpa! (Parker as usual didn't want to sit still for a picture)

Emma Jane and Preston learning about bracelets
Emma Jane and Parker were nice enough to show Tiffany all their toys
Parker and Hayden snuggling.
The delicious turkey
This picture is funny because it implies I had something to do with making the food...