Saturday, July 30, 2011

Four Months

Hannah Kate turned the big 04 months on July 23rd. This past month's biggest accomplishment has been becoming an avid finger sucker. They are in her mouth all the time... the same two on the same hand. We have even said goodbye to the binkies. Why don't I have a picture of it yet? I have no idea and didn't even realize I didn't have one until I sat down to write this. So alas, it will have to come later.

Hannah Kate is oh so close to rolling over from her back to stomach, and she can even turn herself around in a complete circle- pretty talented I know. I made an attempt to give her some rice cereal to which she made horrible faces and spit every last drop out, so we are going to try again in a couple of weeks. She wants to eat big people food so bad!

Her other current joys in life include:
- Watching everything Parker and Emma Jane do
- Pulling hair
- Attempting to sit up whenever laying down- she has freakishly strong abdominal muscles
- Chewing on toys
- And again- sucking on her fingers

Parker thought Hannah Kate needed a bracelet for the picture
Hannah Kate wasn't too thrilled with this photo shoot- What you can't see is Parker and Emma Jane each holding their own "cameras" and "phones" taking pictures of Hannah Kate while I am trying to... can we say overwhelmed?

The other HUGE undertaking that has occurred in the Broge household has been... potty training. While Jason and I knew this would be quite the undertaking to have two children at the same time doing this- we were unprepared for how intense it would be. We had a three day intensive don't leave the house/ pump the children full of liquid/ give out M&Ms like crazy/ weekend and now we are pleasantly surprised at the results. Yay!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Summertime is well under way! At the end of June Hannah Kate turned three months. She is developing more and more personality everyday. Like her parents and sisters, she is proving not to be the most laid back person (shocker I know). She likes to be entertained by Parker and Emma Jane, held, and awake at three AM. She has mastered rolling over from her belly to back although still gets stuck occasionally. She has also found her feet and is able to turn in a complete circle on the playmat (very entertaining).

The obligatory three month elephant photo
So I tried once again to get a picture of all three. I must have said something about making a silly face which prompted Emma Jane to accidentally crush Hannah Kate's face. Afterwards while Hannah Kate cried and recovered from this insult we had a talk about how we can't cover up her face with anything :) Side note, Parker is in fact wearing her sparkly princess dress with her "nurses coat" (NOT a doctor's coat) over it. She wears this almost everyday, and what you can't see is that she also has on high heel dress up shoes.

Parker and Emma Jane are doing fantastic. Having twins is just the best. I love love love watching them interact. They have games they play I don't understand, they make each other laugh (and cry), they tell each other what to do now, and try to help each other. Its awesome. Parker talks talks talks all the time. When she's not talking, she is singing. She wakes up singing most mornings and naptimes. She is SO emotional which is good and bad. Emma Jane wants to be a grown up most of the time. She loves to do anything active- jump, run, swim, etc. She is definitely more strong willed than Parker. They both love Hannah Kate which we are so thankful for and I look forward to the day when they can all three play together.

Because I'm not the kind of person that can just pick up and go with three children, we have been fortunate enough to have lots of summertime fun come to us. Our backyard has a cornucopia of toys and we have lots of friends who have been willing to come to us to play. Maggie and Ben, some small group friends, came over a couple of weeks ago. Maggie is the girls age and Ben is about to start kindergarten. They all played well and Ben got chased by three girls at the same time. It was very funny. Henri and Graham Byrge have also been frequent visitors and we always have a good time when they are come over!!

Chasing Ben... I have a feeling this won't be the last time Ben is chased by a group of girls. That boy is hilarious.
Pool time with Henri

For the fourth of July we didn't do much. It was nice just to all be together as a family for three whole days. We hope everyone had a fantastic holiday!