Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A quick hello

A quick hello from the Broge girls! They are over their month of sickness and we have all been enjoying some time outside. They have discovered dirt and sticks and acorns and mulch and rocks and of course playgrounds. Life is good. Now if they could only gain some more weight... really need to gain some weight.
They may be small but I think they are pretty flippin cute.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


February was a busy month at the Broge house. First we had lots of wonderful visitors. Emily and Paul came, my mom came, and then the four of us went to Michigan. The Luikarts are a huge blessing in our lives and nothing is better than a visit from Nana! The trip to Michigan was such an awesome time too. Getting there and getting back was... an experience- being on a full plane with two squirmy toddlers... but the time with the Machados was so fun.

Unfortunately February has also brought with it sickness. The girls have been sick most of the month... and I am not exaggerating at all. The girls have had a cold, their first and second ear infections, and their first sinus infections. We are currently on the second round of antibiotics and PRAYING they work. I am not gonna lie- the little people have been less than pleasant to be around. This has also made the extra visitors nice to have around.

Even being sick the girls are doing well walking, talking, developing their own little personalities.

Snuggling with Nana
Ready for church!

Another first for the month was Parker's first haircut. I debated and debated whether to cut the poor girl some bangs. Her hair was just covering her face and she will not keep anything in it. So I did it... and Jason thinks I made her look like a boy. But she can see!

After.... (I don't think she looks like a boy... PS She isn't feeling too well in this picture)
Not to be left out here is Emma Jane... aka cranky... also sick and whiny
Parker and Aaron watching Baby Einstein
Can we say future couples?????
Oh and I have no idea why half of the text is underlined... not my fault.