Sunday, January 31, 2010

"It's only going to get harder..." Or is it?

When the girls first came home a strange thing happened, a surprisingly large number of people told me that things would only get worse. This never failed to shock me. I spent the first couple of months getting 4 hours or less sleep a day and people seemed positive things would only get harder. I never understood this. I usually would make some comment about how while I knew every stage of childhood has its own unique challenges, I felt quite certain that it would all be easier once we started getting sleep. At this point there were a number of people who suggested that even this wouldn't get any better. I'm not sure why.

I am writing this e-mail to our were wrong.

Please don't take this as me being snarky. I don't mean it that way! Quite the contrary, I'm really excited. Things are SOOOOOOO much easier then they were a year ago. And they are so incredibly fun. Oh sure, the girls can be a bit of a pill at times. I mean....look at this picture of Parker:
I mean, you can just tell she's a sneaky monkey from that look. (and she is!) And don't let the little angelic smiles from Emma Jane fool you. In some ways she is even sneakier. Parker looks at you and gives you that smile before she does something she's not supposed to, Emma Jane? She looks for you before doing it. To make sure she's in the clear (stinker). But...well...that's kids. That's why we're parents. We get to teach them through all that, and will be doing it for quite a long time.

But come on, look at that picture...don't you want to just pick them up and love them to pieces?
How can you not love:


Sure it's work, but it is easier then when they first got home, and they are just so much fun to be around. Mary Jane worked yesterday and I got to spend the whole day with them. It was great. We do all sorts of stuff. We had a little pretend tea party (they have a little table and chairs and they sit in the chairs and bang the table...this is pretty much what a tea party is right now...and frankly that is my kind of tea party). Parker climbs up me and grabs my eyes and says "eyes." Emma Jane says "hi" to me every time I leave the room, and then walks after me. They are both doing a little walking right now, and they are so proud of themselves. When they do good at it they start patting their tummies and get all excited...which usually makes them trip and fall, to which we all clap.
We stacked boxes, we played chase, we ate solid food, took naps, and even watched a baby einstein video (that stuff is like crack for could watch it all day). Life is good and we are thankful for it. The girls are the second best thing that has ever happened to me...the first, quite obviously, is Mary Jane. God has been merciful, and we give Him thanks.

This has turned into a long stream of conscious ramble. Sorry. I should wrap up and get back to homework. So let me summarize:

- God is good
- Life is easier then it was a year ago
- I love my babies
- I love my wife
- I love my God

okay....that's more thing

...oh how far we've come

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas Part IV (long overdue)

Our last (but certainly not least) Christmas expedition was to Cincinnati to visit the Broges. We had a wonderful time visiting with great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. The girls especially loved playing with cousin William... and the piano! The piano was so much fun for the girls and if allowed they would have played it all day long. We got away with only a few smashed fingers too :) It also snowed while we were there and we took the girls out in the snow for the first time. Emma Jane loved it, but Parker wasn't too sure. We also had so many clothes on them they couldn't move!

Emma Jane's new favorite way to smile

Parker reading books- her FAVORITEEEE thing to do right now... over and over and over again


Loving the piano.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shocking News!!!

Sorry...things have been so hectic I haven't had a chance to write this yet, but...

a moment of silence please

wait for it


I said silence

As of tomorrow morning Mary Jane will not just be a board certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, she will be a PRACTICING Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. She starts the first of her TWO new jobs tomorrow.

Blessings Mary Jane...we love you :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Part III- Christmas Day

We drove home from Chattanooga Christmas Eve night so we could have Christmas Day at home and not on the road. Here is the scene from Christmas Eve... most everyone shipped their gifts to us so our house was packed out!

On Dec. 23rd Jason and I went out in Chattanooga and saw this cow. It is wonderful... you bounce on it... its pink... need I say more? It was totally an impulse by but I think they liked it!
Parker took Emma Jane's orange- I know you are all shocked by this behavior.

We had a wonderful Christmas morning opening presents, climbing on boxes, eating paper, and putting bows in our hair- then headed to church. The girls slept through church which was a big Christmas present to us. The day ended with the Ernst coming over for Christmas dinner. It was a wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas Part II

The second leg of our Christmas journey took us home to Chattanooga. There we got to see just about everybody. The girls were thrilled to see Nanna and Pop.

As well as their Grandad and Great Grandmother.... (and if you look really closely you will notice that my magical clavicle ball came to grandad's house as well

And we even got a chance to spend some time with Mary Jane's Great-Grandfather (that's the girls' great-Great-grandfather!!) He turned 100 and it was exciting to have FIVE generations all together (Pop, Granny, Nanna, Mary Jane, and the girls).

And of course there we saw everybody else as well...

..and there were presents......lots...
...and lots of presents.

I know what all of you are thinking. You're worried that with all this visiting and presents and there very cornucopia of adventures which await one when they travel to Chattanooga, that Mary Jane would not getting any brother sister bonding time with Mark. Well never fear....

...there was plenty of time for that too.

(you almost can't tell he's struggling to get away from her hug ;)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Part I

And before we knew it, Christmas time had come to the Broge household. As is likely the case with most people, this season brought with it more adventures then could possibly be summed up in a simple blog post, and so I won't try....or I won't try to do it in a post, instead you will be forced to put up with multiple posts. We begin with the annual small group Christmas party. You may or may not remember that last year we were unable to attend the small group party. The girls had not been home from the hospital or very long and it just wasn't going to happen. However the small group brought the party to us.

This year we were able to join the fun and festivities.

... more to come