Sunday, September 25, 2011


So, if you are the sort of person who reads this blog on a regular basis then it might occur to you to question the timelyness of certain posts.  In light of the last post's mention of further comments concerning the birthday celebrations of two little beautifuls you may find yourself even more inclined then usual to complain/whine/kvetch or otherwise make your disapproval known. This is, of course, your right to do, but does not change the fact that life is busy and this post is just appearing now.

In addition to celebrating the girls's birthday on their birthday in Florida with the family, we also had a small birthday party here for the girls and their friends...

...and the (or a) parents of said friends.  Because while we are evidently crazy enough to have a party with 9 little girls, we are not so crazy (as of yet) to do it on our without the presence/aid/back up of some contingency of parental unit for each child.

You may recall that when asked the girls (especially Parker) had declared that what they wanted for their Birthday (was purple).  So we had a purple birthday party in which everyone wore purple and we served purple cake and purple icecream, along with Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly sandwhiches, grapes, and Blue Corn Chips.

 Even Hannah Kate got into the act and pulled out her purple dress

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