Friday, July 13, 2012

Vacation Bible School is Awesome

In mid June Parker and Emma Jane experienced one of the greatest joys of a small child's life- Vacation Bible School. As we were struggling to have children, this is one of the things I always dreamed about having a child go to- and here it is!
This was the first time I have ever dropped Parker and Emma Jane off and then left. I am 100% sure I was much more nervous than they were. However I did get some good time with Hannah Kate. It was also the first time I experienced having only one child- very weird.
Parker and Emma Jane loved every second of it. They loved their teachers, being with their friends, having snacks, coloring, getting to hold onto a jump rope, having a name tag, and singing, singing, and more singing. It has been a month now and we still listen to the VBS CD everyday. Hannah Kate even knows the motions to the songs at this point!
This year's theme was Trusting God and it was amazing that even little three year olds were able to understand on some level.  WE LOVE VBS! Here are some pictures from the week. (Many of them are blurry because I messed up the camera... oh well.)

Ready for our first day! 

Anxiously waiting to go in and pick up the sisters

Family Night

Singing in front of church

Parker and Emma Jane's VBS group and teachers. Coincidentally all of these little girls are in our small group as well. 


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