Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Food glorious food

So the girls started eating solid food about 6 weeks ago. Fortunately this has gone pretty well which is HUGE since eating really isn't their forte. Their favorites so far are oatmeal and carrots. Parker especially is a solid food fan. This has given Jason and I hope for the future of eating- that one day it will be easier for us...I mean them...

Emma Jane likes the spoon- alot. She gets hurt when you won't give it to her. She likes to feed herself and this is what she looks like when she is done:

And just for kicks her are some super cute pictures of the girls with their first bows thanks to Allison!

I tried to tell them to only wear one bow at a time but they insisted or trying them both on at the same time.


Brett said...

second to last picture (emma jane...i think)....ummmmm.....can you say mini-mj? great pictures!

Cindi Barrett said...

oh, so cute! I'm so glad that they are loving solid food and I hope that it helps relieve your stress.

Unknown said...

YAY for messy faces! I think life gets lots easier when you can shovel food in their mouths :) THEY ARE TOO STINKING CUTE.