Thursday, January 15, 2009

Listening In

"Psst. Hey Parker"

"Whadaya want?"

"Look at this!

"Hmmm. It looks like a tongue"

"It is a tongue...moron. But I can stick it out. I've been working all day on that. Getting pretty good at it. But anyway...that's not what I wanted to talk about. Have you been keeping an eye on the 'rents?"
"Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on them. They've got me a little worried. Did you see the other day...last Friday it was. Dad was going to go into work for a meeting because he had taken a part day on Thursday in order to take us to the doctor. Then he got the bright idea of bringing his afternoon meeting over to the house so that mom can take a nap while he met and kept an eye on the kids, and you know what ma did when he asked her if she would like this idea? She broke down into tears of joy. Yep...getting worried about her."
"Oh that's nothing.'s crazy tired, but dad...he might just be plain crazy. You should watch him during those couple hours we give him to sleep. He's been getting up and walking around in his sleep every night. He goes into our room to look for us when we're out in the living room with mom. He walks around the house patting his chest like he's burping one of us. And the other day he walked out with a bottle of Chloroseptic cradled in his arms like it was one of us. I'm telling you...the guy has gone loco!"
"Chloroseptic?!? Well if that's the sort of silly games he's going to play with the sleep time we're giving him, than I really wonder if we're giving him too much time. Tell you what, tonight let's split up the shifts. If you scream for the first 4 hours, I'll get the next six."

ug...parents...but what are you going to do...their so cute you just have to love them, flaws and all.


Brett said...

Nice post!

Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy said...

Jason and Mary Jane,
Sorry we will be missing the weekend but we thought it was best to keep our colds and crud in MN.
Just make sure you get a 4 generation picture. I want to see Bob and Janet holding the girls with Jason & Ed in the picture.
I'm sure that all of the festivities will not help on the sleeping front but as you have heard before. One day you will sleep through the night. (Then when you get older,once again, you won't sleep through the night and you won't even have the kids to blame).
Enjoy the weekend. We'll look forward to seeing pictures.

Nancy & Jim