Monday, July 27, 2009

As requested...some pictures (and some news worth noting...too us)

Soooooo......while we have a lot to say and a lot is going on there is little time to actually say it. Sorry for the hiatus. Another longer post will be coming in the next couple of days, but here are some pictures to hold you over for now.

As you can see...they've learned to love food!!! They are still not fans of the bottles but boy do they like stuffing their faces with solids. We have high hopes that once we finally get through the bottle stage things will be better with eating.

But the really exciting thing came yesterday. We just got back in town (more about that in the next post) and evidently it was a very formative trip because both the girls just decided to stand up!

Emma Jane was sitting in her crib while Mary Jane was changing Parker's diaper and she just grabbed the side of the crib and pulled herself up.

Not to be out done, Parker immediately did the same thing when we put her down in the crib. Since then they have gotten up a few times. It's pretty exciting stuff. (yes...standing up is exciting...I promise...)


The Byrges said...

That's my girls! Can't wait for you to teach Henri everything you know!
aunt mel

Shannon said...


I can't even talk about how exciting this news is!!!!STANDING UP..what happened to the babies and where did these TODDLERS come from???!!!!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Congratulations, Emma Jane and Parker! Jason, I think the answer to your question is now. ;)

Todd and Mary Wolfram said...

Standing. Wow. Take a look at the pics and read the blog from a mere 6 months ago.

Standing. Wow.

That God of ours? Yeah. Wow.