Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Little Perspective... Part V (Happy Fourth of July!!)

In honor of this day of celebration, this day we pause to celebrate something that did not happen on this date in history, we decided it would be good idea to celebrate by looking at how big our beautiful girls have gotten. Now we could give long lists of specifics, and while that would assuredly be neat to see and would probably cause a great deal of oohing and ahhing, I somehow can't help but feel that a list of numbers seems pretty abstract to most of us (for those of you who just have to have some numbers I will tell you they are both over 13 and a half pounds, with 14 pounds looking like it can't be too terribly far off). So I have decided to follow the tradition created around here of looking at a series of pictures of the little beautifuls next to a common object over over a period of time.
These first couple of pictures may look a little familiar. We've seen them before. They're of Parker with her Monkey and Emma Jane with her owl.

As you can see there was already quite a difference between the girls, but time passes and...


...they're bigger...

and just in case this picture didn't make it clear's a few more...

In summary...the girls are bigger, and we thank God for His graciousness. Hard to believe it, but they're over 10 months now (June 30th was 10 months). We all hope you are having a relaxing and enjoyable fourth of July.
Jason, Mary Jane, Parker, and Emma Jane


The Byrges said...

Love me some growing twins on a holiday weekend. Give those kids some cake this weekend. At least some has LOTS 'o calories! Love you girls.
Aunt Mel

Hannah said...

They really are just beautiful little people. Thanks for the photos.

Shannon said...

Hello Broge Family,

What a great way to end a night of schoolwork..with a Broge update and some more adorable pictures. My arm still hurts from carrying around those little beautifuls the other day!! Hope you had a relaxing day.

Love you,

melanie said...

Your girls are stunning! Thanks for sharing!

Joel said...

Mary Jane & Jason - your daughters are so beautiful and getting so big.

Praise the Lord indeed for His miracles.

Todd and Mary Wolfram said...

Gives a new meaning to "baby love."

God is GOOD.