Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Hide and Seek" or "Don't call DFS"

Turns out the girls are getting quick. I was out of the room for a minute. is possible that I was out of the room for 62 seconds. I actually think it was closer to 47.5 seconds, but I will give you 62.23 seconds at the most. Anyway, I left the room Parker was on one side of it, when I walked back in there was Emma Jane clapping her hands, laughing and excited to see me, and there was no Parker. Now anyone who has gone through this type of experience knows exactly what happened next...I went into immediate cardiac arrest. After giving myself CPR I began looking around the room, but not moving. My first thought was that clearly aliens had taken my baby, but realizing this was highly unlikely, my second thought was that she must be in the room somewhere. There is only one way in the room and I didn't pass her in the hall way. This meant I had somehow gone selectively blind. I could see everything in the world except Parker. Further reflection led me to realize this was just silly...clearly Parker had the power to turn invisible....or teleport. In the off hand chance it was invisibility I was not going to step anywhere until I was certain that I was not stepping on Parker. As I carefully scanned the room for an invisible telported alien abducted baby, I was startled to hear a slapping sound coming from behind me. Spinning about I found ...Parker...under the couchy chair. Or rather, I should say I found Parker's smiling head, the rest of her body was hidden under the chair. She was grinning away and slapping the ground having a grand ole time. When she realized she had my attention she too began laughing. It appears the whole thing was a joke on dad. I had thought Emma Jane was clapping and laughing because she was happy to see me, but really she just thought Parker's joke was hilarious.

Silly monkeys


Shannon said...

Mary Jane showed me this picture...Absolutely hilarious and adorable. Laura and I will have to put some sort of tracking device on them when we come over.


The Byrges said...

Aunt Mel says......toddlerhood is well on the way! Yay for normalcy! Love you girls.

Todd and Mary Wolfram said...

Now it's time for Daddy to grow eyes in the back of his head.

The fun begins!