Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Land of the Cleves Part I: The airport

Since we are naturally gluttin' for punishment, we decided to continue are streak of traveling while we can (AKA before classes start). And since it had been more than two years since we had made it to my home (Cleveland) we decided a trip to Cleveland was in order. Unfortunately we quickly came to the realization that driving all the way to Cleveland was just plain out for the girls. So we flew. Yes we braved an airplane. We were pretty nervous about it, but the girls did really well. It's a short flight and just when they were starting to get antsy we arrived.

most uncomfortable rocking chair ever!

"I'm supposed to be napping"

"I want to be napping"

Actually, the only negative thing about the whole plane experience was the boarding process. All my life I have watched as those with special needs or wee little babes get to preboard while the rest of us shlubs dutifully wait our turn. Often I have looked on with envy thinking, if only, if only I didn't have to fight for a spot in line, just to get a seat, if only I could leisurely board the plane with the special blue boarding pass and the status of being known as a "preboarder"
All too frequently over the years I have seen other, undeserving, people try and worm their way into the preboard group. But I have just patiently waited, for I knew a day would come, a day when I would have a wee one and the coveted blue boarding pass would finally be mine. But alas it was not to be, because while I have multiple wee ones the aviation industry no longer cares about my boarding plight. Our "special status" comes after the preboards, and after the the first group of 60 people...then...we can board. Curses! Foiled in my life long ambition. Turns out I am going to need to be in a wheel chair or on oxygen to get the coveted blue boarding pass....and here's the thing. While I looked forward with eager anticipation to the day when I would have wee ones, I do not look forward to a day when I am in a wheel chair and on oxygen.
Oh well, considering that was the only thing to go wrong getting there, I am sure you can tell, it went smoothly. Thanks be to God!

1 comment:

Cindi Burger Barrett said...

I am certainly impressed! That is a huge accomplishment. Sorry about not being able to preboard. I was jealous about that when flying this past summer. It was Delta and they still do it!