Friday, December 19, 2008

Why the blogs have been infrequent

It is comingIt is always coming
You can't run from it.
You can't avoid it.
You can't prepare for it.
It takes no prisoners.
It takes the cutest of your family first.
It turns these

into these

It happens every day at 9:00 PM.
No one knows where it came from. No one knows how or why it chooses its victims. While one would expect it to attack Parker first it is crafty, it takes Emma Jane first. Usually it begins in the minutes directly leading up to 9. They begin to grunt. They begin to squirm. They are inconsolable. And then at 9...they scream.
They scream, and cry
and cry and scream.
It usually lasts hours.
The cure? No known cure exists.
The symptoms can, however, be managed.
The prescribed treatment involves doing deep knee bends (not bobbing or shaking, but slow deep knee leg muscles are going to be so strong...) while singing Christmas carols (not playing music, but singing it...not songs, but Christmas carols)

It is an oddly stressful and tiring yet entertaining time

blessings from the broges

PS in case you hadn't noticed, all this occurs during the usual prime hours for posting. (Sorry Liz, nothing personal)


Shannon said...

Have you ever seen a picture of something so beautiful that it makes you choke up a bit?? That is what happens to me when I see pictures of your twins.

Love you,


Christy Coffey said...

Hang in there you two!! Sleep will come. Probably never as much as you used to get, but it will come.

Loads of love,

Oh, not that you don't already know this, but I just have to say your girls get more adorable by the day.

mrweaverphysics said...

deep knee bends were something that Mike Brady did every night on the Brady Bunch and well look at all of the crazy things those brady kids did.

I think you are missing a marketing idea. Squat thrust your way to a fitter you and a calmer baby.

If it works I would like 5%