So, it has been a year, a year since Mary Jane woke me up at three in the morning because her water had broken. And thus began the adventure. For those of you who might not remember the details, or for those of you who might somehow not know them you can
go here to go back and reminisce.
Strangely enough the girls decided to celebrate this particularly strange anniversary in their own way. Mary Jane woke up at 3 AM, because, well because some part of her brain was acutely aware of that fact that one year ago exactly began the scariest time of her life. Me, being the sensitive guy I am, was snoring blissfully away. Men and women are just different that way. (Although I must admit that while writing this, sitting in the living room with Mary Jane and Emily, while they are watching a chick flick that I am trying to ignore, and right now there is a scene where the couple had a miscarriage and i will admit to you (but please keep this private...I really don't want this to get around) that I am a little more emotionally moved then I would expect, and watching them grieve and cry is bringing back vivid memories of stepping out of the hospital room at 4 in the morning calling my parents, Mary Jane's parents, and Emily and Paul (who were getting ready to take a train into town for very different reasons) and trying to keep it together enough emotionally to get the sentences out....maybe...just maybe men and women are not so different about these emotions. They both have them, but they experience these emotions differently, they handle them differently, and they have different triggers...but I digress)
Anyway, the girls decided to celebrate the anniversary their own special way. As Mary Jane got up to get out of bed Parker started screaming bloody murder, which scared the dickens out of Emma Jane, who decided to join the chorus. So...much like a year ago I was woken suddenly out of a deep sleep and found myself running into another room. And much like a year ago this marked the end of any sleep Mary Jane or I got for the rest of the day, and much like a year ago it was all Parker's fault (the stinker simply would not go back to sleep)
But unlike a year ago,
I had two beautiful, healthy, cute beyond words, baby girls to hold and comfort.
Unlike a year ago, I shed no tears, because there was no concern they would die.
And unlike a year ago it was easy to see the hand of God in all that He had provided for us, last year we knew it was there, we walked in faith, but this year we look back and thank Him for His mercy.
As I finish this post, getting ready to get them up for the nightly feed, I am overwhelmed by how blessed we have been. All the uncertainties, all the questions, we were asking one year ago, were answered by mercifully. Thanks be to God.