Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Little Perspective... Part VI

We couldn't let the girls first birthday pass without some monkey/ owl pictures. No one was to thrilled with the idea of this photo shoot. Mostly they just tried to crawl out of the chair. The girls are VERY fast crawlers now and have inspected every room of the house for the most dangerous objects they can find. Parker in particular likes to find the smallest piece of dirt or lint on the ground and then of course eat it. Emma Jane's new favorite activity is to pull all the DVDs off the shelf and pick her favorite by tasting them all. They are both pulling up to stand on anything within their reach and have even taken a step or two holding onto the furniture.

In the first year of their life the girls doubled their height- they are now a little over 26 inches and more than tripled their "going home" weight. Both Emma Jane and Parker are about 15.5 pounds.

Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

Shannon said...