Monday, December 15, 2008

A moment's rest

Contrary to how past blog posts may have made it sound, the girls aren't up and screaming all the time. Everyone sleeps eventually. And with the sleep comes the cuteness.

and when the little beautifuls rest then sometimes....sometimes...their mommy does too.


TrentonandLaura said...

There is way too much cuteness going on in this post! Glad to see that at least 3 of you are getting some rest:)

Shannon said...

The girls look so big!! I cannot wait to see them (and their parents too of course). I think the Broge twins get more beatuiful every day. Please work Prevacid!!

Love you

Joel said...

The cuteness does come when they sleep, Jason.

It even arrives with my almost 7 yr old. The up time, not always....

Thanks for everything you're doing to keep us updated on the girls and their parents.

The Hiebers

Todd and Mary Wolfram said...

Only one word can come close to describing the last picture. "Precious."

Is it well with your soul, Jason?

Unknown said...

okay, that pic with MJ & the girls is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Glad to see you sleeping, MJ!

The Byrges said...