Friday, November 21, 2008

End Chapter One

So as those of you who read the last post now know...this was a busy day.
We've known it was going to be today for a little while now but have purposely been quiet about it. Mostly because it was never 100%. There were a million little things which could have kept us there. Chief, of late, was/is Emma Jane's whole hypertension issue. So we kept the day quiet so as to not have to turn around and say...oh yeah, it didn't happen.
We got to the hospital early this morning and were quite giddy. We fed them and then changed their clothes. Parker got her NG tube taken out, but not permanently. Mary Jane just really wanted some going home pictures where we could see their faces, and it was time to change it anyway, so Mary Jane figured, might as well go ahead and take it out. Mary Jane had purchased special out fits for the girls, so after we got them cleaned up we changed their clothes (in the process taking off all their wires!!! I have wire free babies!!! That old Pinocchio song "I've got no strings...has been running through my head non stop)

You can't see it in the picture, but the shirts say 2 petite pears. Which they are. After that it was mostly a matter of waiting for the discharge papers. We had a lot of visitors from other nurses as we were getting our stuff together. We've been their quite a while and the girls have managed to make some friends in the staff. The girls are ecstatic to being going home, but they are going to miss their excellent nurses.

Next it was time to get them into their car seats, along with their special going home in cold weather hat.
Funny thing about those hats. Cute as all get out, but way too big. We could probably comfortably fit them into hat if we tried putting them in feet first. Mary Jane found them on line and ordered the "preemie" size, but the designers of the hats must have had some giants as preemies. Cause I bet we could easily fit those hats onto a 20 pound baby, let alone a 5 pound one. YES that's right...I said 5 pounds!!! I have said it before...but I can never say it enough...mercy upon mercy
Then we put them into a wagon to wheel on out.
Course....there was time for a quick family photo
But not this time Mary Jane and I were going out of our mind a bit. We were ready to take our kids home.

We left vowing never to return!

At least not until Monday when we have an appoint scheduled with the eye doctor. And then the next Monday when we see our pediatrician, and then we have an appointment with doctors to discuss Emma Jane's hypertension coming up, and then the regular preemie check up and...well...we'll be seeing a bunch of the hospital

But the key is we left. It took a long time to get here and there was a lot of prayer, support , and care that went into it from all of you. Thank you. We couldn't possibly say it enough. All the love you have shown us has meant a lot.
End Chapter One...
....course the funny thing about endings is...


kosh_003 said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's awesome! I KNOW you guys are ecstatic. I can't even begin to imagine. The Lord has certainly blessed all four of you. Congratulations again. Enjoy you some at-home-style babies! :-D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That is so amazing. Enjoy your first night at home as a family! :) :) :)


Unknown said...



ps. and i'm still crying!!

Cindi Burger Barrett said...

This is the best weekend... first, my best friend's babies are coming HOME! Amazing. Miracles. Second, I saw Twilight. Third, no Saturday class. (okay 2 and 3 don't compare at ALL with number one, but hey they are good!). We love you Broges so much and are JOYFUL for you!