Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"eye" 'm all stressed out

Mary Jane is censoring me on this one. I want to talk about how their eyes might pop out of their head at any moment. If they did, they would likely shoot out like tiny rockets across the room. She thinks I am being extreme. So I won't say that. Instead I will just tell you that the girls had another eye exam on Monday. We thought this would be the last one, cause they have done well on the others, however this one ended with more of a hmmmm then a looks good. When asked to explain that we were told they would really like to see their eyes again next Monday, because they are not developing quite as well as might be hoped. What does that mean? Heck if I know. Probably nothing. Cute coke bottle glasses are not guaranteed to be in their future because of this. (but dad is sure their eyeballs are set to go flying across the NICU.)
Meanwhile...the doctors are still trying to get a handle on Emma Jane's high blood pressure. They have her on a more long term drug now and have upped the frequency of the doses (though I think she is getting a smaller dose each time). This is something we want them to narrow in on sooner rather than later. They will not let the "h" word happen until it does.
On a completely different note. The girls room is finally ready. There is one other thing Mary Jane would like to get hung on the walls, but other than that...here it is
Should be a fun for them.


Molly K Katy K said...

Love the room! Uber-cute! If that doesn't make them want to eat better and get her BP undercontrol, then I don't know what will!

TrentonandLaura said...

The room looks beautiful! Great job guys.

Cindi Burger Barrett said...

The nursery looks so cute! So exciting!!

The Byrges said...

First off, so glad to hear that the eye exam went "better" this time. The girls definitely needed that. Secondly....I love the room. It looks so cozy and Pottery Barn Like!!!! I can't wait to see photos of them in thier own cribs and mom and dad passed out with them in that big comfy chair.