Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Post From Mary Jane

Hi everyone. Here is a rare treat... a post from me. Jason had something unexpected come up at work today that is going to keep him at work until the wee hours of the morning. So since we didn't post yesterday, I said I would post something short and sweet so as to not worry anyone. The girls are doing well. They both are up to about 4 lb. 12 oz. Two big things need to happen and therefore these are my prayer requests:

1. Parker NEEDS TO EAT!!!!
2. Emma Jane needs her blood pressure to be lower. They went up on her medicine today which should do the trick.

Don't worry, Jason's more interesting post will be back tomorrow assuming he can stay awake :)


The Byrges said...

Mary Jane,
I love when you post just as much. It is a true treat and you should feel free to introduce the mommy voice more often. We pray the following two reqeusts would work themselves out in the next week or so. Also a reminder that I'm in the backfield waiting for the handoff whenever you need anything. Hope you are doing well and hope Jason gets some much needed rest real soon.

Cindi Burger Barrett said...

I agree. I LOVE to hear from you, Mary Jane. Not that I don't love Jason's posts, I do, but I also love to hear your thoughts and prayers. I will be praying and I am so excited they are getting so big! Love you!