Dear Ben Ernst,
Thanks for all the help, support, and prayers you and your family given us during all this. I wanted to take a brief moment to talk to you about your chosen field. Now I know you have no desire to do pediatrics, but if by chance you suddenly have a change of heart, and decide that you want to spend you life starring into the eyes of babies, if by chance you go a step further and decide to be a fellow over at Children's then here are some advice:
Let's say you get assigned a preemie to do an eye exam on. Let us even go so far as to say you are assigned twins. While we're on the subject let's go one step further and say these twins had already had eye exams twice before, and while they were unpleasant they took about 2 minutes and left no real marks on the baby. If all this were then case then please do not
Let's say you get assigned a preemie to do an eye exam on. Let us even go so far as to say you are assigned twins. While we're on the subject let's go one step further and say these twins had already had eye exams twice before, and while they were unpleasant they took about 2 minutes and left no real marks on the baby. If all this were then case then please do not
a) march into a room while the mother is nursing and make her stop in order to do immediately do the eye exam
b) also in the list of do nots....if the the average exam takes 2 minutes and you find yourself running over ten minutes and realize you have no idea what you are doing...stop
c) when the mother asks how their eyes look don't be rude
d) and most importantly, if the baby you're working with starts off by looking like this
Just a couple of thoughts to help you in your future endeavours.
With love,
the broges
Take that, dumb-dumb Ben Ernst! What's your chosen field...dumb-dumb-opathy?
ummmm....just to be REALLY clear. Ben IS NOT the person in question. Ben is a GREAT guy. He and his family have been awesome to and for us through the whole thing.
O that poor Emma Jane!! No wonder she was so upset yesterday. Where is that Doctor? Maybe Parker can defend her sister by doing "her work" on that doctor!!
I love the Broge girls...even with sad, swollen eyes.
Gotcha. Apologies to Ben. Take that, Dr. Anonymous! You dumb-dumb!
Do we need to "take care" of a certain fellow in the NICU? I mean, we joke about it, but Wendi is from Jersey. I've seen her "get Jersey" before, and it gets the job done!
We heart you all:)
Poor EmJ! You know your other side of the family has relatives who work at the USPS. Do you need someone to "go postal" on this idiotic doctor??? We can make arrangements in Tennessee! I'm serious..... actually I'm not.
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