Sunday, November 9, 2008

cough...sniffle...wheeze...hack those of you at Salem this morning most likely ascertained, I have a cold. At the time of this writing my voice is gone. Of course this means that I have had to go into a sort of self imposed exile. I have seen little of the girls and held them not at all the last two days. Which is killing me. It's funny, ten weeks ago I had never held either of them and now I can not conceive of life without spending quality time with them every day. It's like when I got married. One day I went home at the end of every night, and the next I shared my entire life, every moment, with Mary Jane. And within a week I couldn't remember what it was like to not share it with her.

Speaking of Mary Jane, here are some photos of her with Emma Jane

Don't's a love punch.
Mary Jane really doesn't like it when I take her picture. Here she was giving me the...enough with the camera look.
But then she got I to have more fun.
You guys did pretty good with yesterday's quiz. Parker was on the right of the picture, Emma Jane was on the left. All that said here is another quiz. Here are two separate pictures of the girls. Which is which?


Molly K Katy K said...

Emma Jane's in the top picture; Parker, in the bottom one.

TrentonandLaura said...

I'm going to go with Emma Jane on top and Parker on the bottom.