Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dumb post

Parker: Such a busy day. First I was a gangster. "No pictures, No pictures"
While doing that I realized how amazing my hand is. Really truly amazing. Did you know it's all there? Once I started I just couldn't stop. After an indeterminate amount of time I began to realize I was mesmerized. I had mesmerized myself. Evidently I have special mesmerizing powers. After a while I decided to try them out on a volunteer. "Can I have a volunteer?"
"Ooh, Ooh. Call on me. Call on me."I call on my seester, Emma Jane. Seester, you are under my spell. You are under my control. You are flying
"Um...I hate to tell you this,'m still just lying here in my isolette. But I will say this much, it is fun to raise my hands."
"Hmm. I think maybe with mesmerizing, you're just supposed think you are flying, but not actually be flying."

"Well...I think I'm in my isolette"

Parker: Well maybe my super power is that I can only mesmerize myself.

1 comment:

Uncle Jim and Aunt Nancy said...

There is nothing more precious than watching a baby look at their own hand.
Aunt Nancy