Friday, September 12, 2008

Parker poos…and other events of the day

So Parker pooped last night. This marks her first poop which is a wonderful thing, and once again leaves us in the strange place of thanking God for excrement. The day went fairly well. Parker didn’t tolerate one of her feeds so they aren’t going to feed her tonight. If you’re looking for something specific to pray about, pray that her digestive system kicks into gear. One thing I didn’t report yesterday is that Emma Jane’s CO2 levels were a little wonky, but they were lower today, which is a good thing.
In other news Parker and Emma Jane were the proud recipients of little, teeny, tiny, homemade bows. The bows come from the loving hands of Kym (someone Mary Jane works with). They were brought down and put on. Emma Jane was received the green bow and Parker got the pink one. Mary Jane has decided that green is Emma Jane's favorite color and pink is Parker's. I think the pink for Parker is just to girly her up a little in the face of people who are arguing that Parker is a boy's name (you know who you are), I don't think it matters, five minutes with her and you will be convinced that a) Parker is one of the cutest girls ever (with Emma Jane being the other) and b) Parker fits her feisty personality.
Now, Liz, before you go posting about how these bows are a cruel injustice to perform on a defenseless little girl I would like to point out you were the one who dressed up your son as the Elle Fitzgerald. Have a good night and look for more info tommorrow.


lizking100 said...

Edmund, EDMUND Fitzgerald.

Erica said...

What adorable little girls. I love the bows!

Hannah said...

Speaking of the name Parker - I like it and so does my mom - where did you guys get it from?