Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Need to keep it short and sweet tonight. Emma Jane was extubated today, which is wonderful news. And oh was she an angry little baby. She was not happy about having a tube yanked out of her throat. She cried for quite a while. Well, that doesn’t quite sum things up right. Her voice was really hoarse after they extubated her so she tried to cry but it was more of a meek, sad, croaking sound. Pitiful, sad, and cute all at the same time.
I got to hold her a little too. While I held her she got the hiccups. I learned something, tiny, hoarse, hiccups from a premature baby are heartbreakingly adorable.


The Byrges said...

I also want to personally thank Parker today for being so photogenic during my brief visit. It sure did fill my cup tonight! Always rooting for the whole Broge Team. God bless you.
"Aunt" Mel

TrentonandLaura said...

Great news about the extubation!

Cindi Burger Barrett said...

YAY! I can't wait to meet you two (that being emma and parker, not you and mary jane, because that would be silly).

Unknown said...

They ARE adorable--I love your updates, you are doing a great job!
Jennifer Baker

sprocket said...

just so you know: i've taken to checking your blog more than i check my email, which believe me, is a blindingly obsessive rate which has not only affected my ability to cook dinner but also tv watching capabilities. i pray for your girlies every day. Love, Melanie Ponchot