Thursday, September 11, 2008

No news is good news...

We at Broge and Broge (and Broge and Broge) have recently received a memo from the complaint department. It has come to our attention there are some who are "upset" at the rate our product comes out in the evening. We have been told the evening edition comes "too late" and visitors are left frustrated as they check throughout the day for the product. One complaint read simply "BLOG NOW." Another complaint was sent via there young delivery service who stopped our senior representative in the hall to complain that his "mother goes crazy waiting for the blog....don't do that again."
We at Broge, Broge, Broge and Broge have attempted to rectify this situation by on occasion having some "non-update" based posts post during the day. We hope that extra information about our product will help satisfy the cravings. This, unfortunately, is essentially a band aid for the problem. In the end the problem is that the senior representative has been forced to return to work (he thanks "BLOG NOW" for assuring him that he is not a bad dad for returning to work and that feeling like he is abandoning his kids is a feeling all fathers go through). Upon completion of the work day it is all our senior representative can do to not drive 100 miles an hour to get an in person update on the product. By the time the representatives return to their home base of operations it is inevitably late before the product update can be sent to our shareholders. We apologize for this inconvenience, but hope the quality and humor in the updates will help relieve some of the tension and anxiety caused by the delay.
Product A: Known as "Emma Jane"
Still in the developmental stages, she can be seen here sporting a lilac hat which is sure to be all the rage in micro-preemie clothing this winter.
Alas, Product A still spends most of her time sleeping.
Product B: Known as "Parker"
Also still in the developmental stages, Product B has gone through some exciting changes in recent days (hours). We are particularly impressed with the improvement to the optical lens which is finally becoming visible and is sure to stir interest in the shareholders driving stock prices up. Something good for all investors.
Most exciting for us in the development team was the subtraction of the now extraneous breathing apparatus (She was extubated)
All in all we at Broge, Broge, Broge, and Broge are very happy with product development and are very thankful for the support we have received from the Board, as well as the Share Holders. We hope to continue to live up to your high expectations. God bless, and Good night.


mrweaverphysics said...

Isn't the interweb great and a burden at the same time.

We here at Weaver, Weaver, Weaver, and Smith (Smith is the fall guy in case things go bad. You guys should get a fall guy). Would like to publicly reaffirm our support and love for and of your recent acquisitions. In a crazy market like these times and especially with a product such as yours that has a long maturity rate, we understand that growth may occur more quarterly than daily.

We further appreciate your disclosures and await them with anticipation, but since the evil internet trolls have found fit to block these reports where the senior member of WWW and S works, he takes comfort in knowing that he didn't miss anything.

Here is hoping for a good day in the product development department.

Jason Weaver
Senior member of WWW and S (as long as Beth isn't in the room)


Shannon said...

Broge Fam,

Jason your posts continue to amuse me. It was so great ending my work shift yesterday by seeing my favorite and most beautiful twins. I get so excited to come and look on the board to see how much weight they are gaining. Thank you for including all of us in your journey. Your girls are a miracle.
Love you,

The Byrges said...

Shareholder Mel says that she is sooooooooooo proud of Parker for getting extubated. She would also like to throw a shout out to Emma for continuing to behave. I do love the posts and pray for continued growth and healing. I pray mommmy and daddy get some needed rest while grandma and nanna will be here. Raising a glass of coke to another excitingly uneventful day girls. Aunt Mel loves you.

Freddie said...

Greywitt and Mowery are proud to "stand pat" with Broge and Broge and look forward to the product release, hopefully in time for the holidays. Our feeling is that the benefit for all will be great.

Sara said...

I am so happy to discover that your girls are getting some chub on their cheeks!!! Wow. Fill 'em up!
